50, NOT DEAD EPISODE 12: Dagmar Chlosta

After becoming an SVP in a major athletics brand, Dagmar Chlosta was given a 360 degree review by her peers.  The summary of all of the feedback can be boiled down to this: she was a woman, and she was screwed. Listen in as Dagmar opens up about what it feels like to be labeled an "Ice Queen" by her male counterparts and the pressure that resulted in heart surgery. 

A while back, in discussion with a professional recruiter, she was told "You're not a spring chicken anymore. Placing you will be infinitely more difficult".   Would a man with her track record of excellence be told that? 

Through hard work, determination and doing a damn good job everywhere she goes, Dagmar inspires and continues to rise.  At the heart of her success is her commitment to bringing up teams, her commitment to excellence, and her commitment to bringing other women up the ranks along with her.  In her words, be authentic, be true to yourself and stick together.

Get in touch with Dagmar:


50, NOT DEAD EPISODE 13: Heather Schwenneker


50, NOT DEAD EPISODE 11: Lesley Stewart Armstrong