Does your career align with your greatest values/strengths?

⭐One of my core values is making positive impact in people's lives.
⭐Another is continuous life-long learning (I'm 50, not dead!)
⭐One of my core strenghts is connecting/relating.

So it's kind of a jump-all-around-and-dance-party-it-out kind of feeling (💃🤸🥳🍾)to have someone whom I greatly admire, Linda Rossetti, link my name with her post thanking the amazing Arianna Huffington and Thrive Global for the release of HAIL™ in this wonderful article that showcases this exciting, impactful methodology Linda has developed.

The article comes out in celebration of Linda's newly released book, Dancing with Disruption.

If you've ever faced any sort of disruption in your life (job change, job loss, change of mariage status, empty nest, going back to school, starting your own business, going back to work, leaving work for retirement, encountering a toxic relationship, or any of the mulititude of ups-and-downs in the human experience) then this book and HAIL™ might just be what you need to move forward. ➡️

HAIL™ is a groundbreaking new technique to help reframe our emotions, so we can recenter and come back to the present moment.


You'll be amazed at how converstation rooted in this methodology helps create movement forward and a reframing of what feels like absolute disaster.

I'm incredibly honored to have been trained by Linda Rossetti in an inaugural cohort (Kamrin Eriksen Huban (me🤩) , Nancy SawyerCynthia Rounds McGuiganJen CarewTracy Ross-Garcia, MCMKavita Ahuja, Rita B. Allen (she/her/hers)Deborah G. Guy and our curriculum leader Kerry Dobson).

Again, when your career leads you to advanced learning and better ways of impacting the people whom you want to serve the most, it's pretty much a dance-party kind of feeling! 💃🤩💃🤩


HAIL to Linda Rossetti: Transforming Mid-Life Disruption(3;5)


Empowering Wisdom & Defying Ageism with Minette Norman(3;4)